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financial planning calculators, financial reporting software, Investment planning, Investment planning software, tax planning software, cash flow analysis, pension planning software, retirement planning, pension planning,
At Clarity we don’t just provide you with an exceptional software package. We believe it’s important that you feel confident in using it so we’ll stay around for as long as you need and offer you training.

Initial training for advisers and support colleagues is incorporated into the monthly subscription fee. Further training is based on demand including more specialist areas such as advanced Income Tax and Inheritance Tax planning. Perhaps one of the most important training subjects we offer is on how to successfully charge fees. This helps pay for the Clarity system many times over!

Some people are extremely computer literate and can be competent shortly after installing software! However, the majority of us need training to get the best out of any computer software. This is because there are many valuable features of the software that are not instantly apparent. Training isn’t confined to how the software works – it includes valuable coaching on how other advisers have told us they use it.

We have gone to great lengths to build in a help menu that can provide a lot of assistance to you whilst using the Clarity. This is accessible from all pages and provides valuable assistance into how to use the system. In addition, we have created a number of PowerPoint Tutorials that allow you to see how a Factfind is created.

Telephone and email support is available, with fast turnaround times. Because the Clarity team are experienced in financial services, we can understand questions and problems much more readily.

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