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tax planning software, deposit account analysis, shortfall analysis, inheritance tax planning, inheritance tax, financial planning software for professionals, financial advisor software, financial planning tools,
Clarity’s income pages are superb for identifying possible gains and savings opportunities such as the claiming higher rate tax relief for personal pension contributions, reclaiming lost allowances for professional subscriptions or expenses, showing the benefits of switching assets between partners, and claiming benefits such as the Child Tax Credit. Each time a tax gain or saving for a client is identified, it strengthens the business relationship, and presents the opportunity to charge ‘success fees’.

The page offers ‘before and after’ calculations to show where and how tax can be saved, as well as graphical representation of the actual tax and national insurance burden.

Clarity’s tax calculation can be used to show the combined effects of deposit account advice, investment advice and taxation advice. The gains can often run into hundreds and even thousands of pounds a year!

Developed by Gen2Group